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Conversation Locker Crack With Serial Key Free Download X64


Conversation Locker Crack+ Patch With Serial Key Download [2022] Conversation Locker Download With Full Crack makes Pidgin a more secure and reliable communication tool. Converse about your personal items, work or anything else important, but close some of the most important conversations to prevent their accidental closing. Features: Closable conversations Restricted tab closing Lock/Unlock conversations User configurable actions Uncheck show icon to hide the locked conversations Allow to lock only specific conversations Supports multiple tabs When locked tab is clicked, the conversation with the tab will be unlocked Set custom names for each conversation (done by author) Support for various multi-protocol messengers Open source software, very easy to use, modify and enhance Supports Win32, Mac OS X and Linux platforms This is my open source program: Conversation Locker for Pidgin. It is free software and available under GNU GPL. For comments and suggestions, visit There you will also find a place to participate in developing the program. Version 0.1.0 includes following features: 1. Pidgin window can be locked. 2. Support for multiple tabs. There is no option to move icons to the right when using two panels. If you have configured the right panel to be invisible, it is invisible. There is no option to have invisible panels not affected by the show on hover option. Version 0.2.0 fixes a bug in saved settings when multiple panels are used. It also allows you to change the color of the box that a message is put in. In the 0.2.0 release the icon on the right panel can now be moved, this allows using more than two panels. I have used the 0.1.0 version for several days and it seems to work fine. Please make sure to update the app when you upgrade Pidgin as there is a bug which can cause problems. The newest version is available at It looks like this is a good idea, but the icons aren't where I'm used to them being. In the Version 0.1.0, you could change the location of the icon by changing the'settings.ini' file, but there doesn't seem to be any way of doing that in Version 0.2.0 I was looking for a similar plugin when I found yours, but Conversation Locker With Product Key Free [Win/Mac] Conversation Locker Crack For Windows allows you to lock any conversation in the multi-protocol messenger Pidgin so it will never be closed by mistake. The plugin will also prevent closing of other important windows/tabs. * Shortcut Key: Click conversation button, then click on "Lock conversation" button * How does it work: The plugin will create "Lock conversation" task on Pidgin every time a conversation is selected. It will make the little "X" button on tab unclickable. Thus, a user will not be able to close this particular conversation. Note: If you change the "Opened at" time to a date/time in the future, then the conversation will not be closed anymore. Features: - No additional options to configure. - Works with all supported protocols: AIM, MSN, Yahoo and Jabber. - Ability to lock any conversation (as long as your profile has a conversation category enabled). - Prevent closing of other windows/tabs. - Support for both "locking conversations" and "Locking windows/tabs". - Shortcut Key: [Alt] + Click conversation button, then click on "Lock conversation" button. - Extension points: - Conversation Window Locker: - Set lock time to future so the conversation won't be closed. - Window Locker: - Prevent closing of certain window/tab. * Screenshots: Locking window (left) - prevents closing of a window (in this case a browser) Locking conversation (right) - prevents closing of a particular conversation * This plugin was made with Pidgin 2.10.0 and all current versions. * To keep support for future versions of Pidgin or other MSN/AIM/Yahoo/Jabber clients * Update plugin when the next Pidgin release is out. * Contact us if there's a bug in latest version. * Check out [ for the most recent versions of Pidgin. * Contact us: * Email us at [mailto:support 1a423ce670 Conversation Locker Crack + With Full Keygen Free [32|64bit] Conversation Locker is a plugin for popular multi-protocol messenger Pidgin that restricts closing of important conversations (windows or tabs) by locking them. It allows you to select which conversations should be prevented from closing so those won't be closed by mistake. Instead of switching to tab, you may mistakenly close some other important tab. Has it ever happened with you? If yes, this is the plugin you need. Just lock important conversations by clicking lock button (shown in screenshots). So the little "X" button on the tab will be unclickable, thus avoiding losing important conversation. Conversation Locker Features: New: You can customize which conversations can be locked by entering their names into the text boxes and checkboxes (when the plugin is launched), or you can set it automatically on launch of Pidgin. New: You can specify conversation types: by including particular protocol, by IP address, by website, and by URL. You can also specify which conversation types you will block. New: You can set the delay between triggering the dialog (by double click or message list update). You can also set the time after which the conversation is considered "locked". New: You can hide this notification if you don't want to see it. New: You can define a custom message when conversation is locked, or a custom message when conversation is released. New: You can set "Always on top" if you want to. New: You can have a custom icon. New: You can set custom color for the message text. New: You can specify which app should be launched when an important conversation is opened (by clicking "Add to this app"). New: You can specify which font style should be used for the text. New: You can set various colors for the lock icon, and the message text. Old: You can set which protocol you wish to be always locked (in the Preferences menu), by specifying a protocol as one of the options. Old: You can specify which conversations should be locked by IP address, website or URL (in the Preferences menu), by entering the IP address, website or URL into the corresponding fields. Old: You can specify which conversations should be locked by protocol (in the Preferences menu), by specifying one of the protocols as one of the options. Old: You can specify which conversations should be locked by protocol and number of participants (in the Preferences menu), by specifying one of the What's New In? System Requirements: Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5, Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 or better Memory: 1 GB RAM Graphics: 512 MB ATI X-series, Radeon HD2400 series, or NVIDIA GT550M, G550M, or GT630M Storage: 16 GB available hard disk space (recommended) Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible

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